Japansk okkupasjon i Straits Settlements (side 1/2)

Viser nå: Japansk okkupasjon i Straits Settlements - Postfrimerker (1942 - 1944) - 71 frimerker.

[King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type A3] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type A4]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1 A 1C - 16.36 32.71 - USD  Info
2 A1 2C - 21.81 32.71 - USD  Info
3 A2 3C - 87.23 136 - USD  Info
4 A3 8C - 32.71 32.71 - USD  Info
5 A4 15C - 32.71 32.71 - USD  Info
1‑5 - 190 267 - USD 
[King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B3] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B5] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B8] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B11] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B14] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B15] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B17] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B19] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B22] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B27] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B29] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B30] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B32] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B34] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B36] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Handstamped Overprinted with Seal, type B38]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
6 B 1C - 4.36 4.36 - USD  Info
6A* B1 1C - 545 545 - USD  Info
6B* B2 1C - 1308 872 - USD  Info
7 B3 2C - - - - USD  Info
7A* B4 2C - 4361 2726 - USD  Info
8 B5 2C - 4.36 4.36 - USD  Info
8A* B6 2C - 163 190 - USD  Info
8B* B7 2C - 272 272 - USD  Info
9 B8 3C - 5.45 5.45 - USD  Info
9A* B9 3C - 436 436 - USD  Info
9B* B10 3C - 1308 872 - USD  Info
10 B11 5C - 32.71 43.62 - USD  Info
10A* B12 5C - 654 654 - USD  Info
11 B13 6C - - - - USD  Info
11A* B14 6C - - - - USD  Info
12 B15 8C - 5.45 5.45 - USD  Info
12A* B16 8C - 327 327 - USD  Info
13 B17 10C - 65.42 65.42 - USD  Info
13A* B18 10C - 1090 872 - USD  Info
14 B19 12C - 109 163 - USD  Info
14A* B20 12C - - - - USD  Info
14B* B21 12C - - - - USD  Info
15 B22 15C - 6.54 5.45 - USD  Info
15A* B23 15C - 872 654 - USD  Info
16 B24 25C - - - - USD  Info
16A* B25 25C - - - - USD  Info
17 B26 30C - 2726 2726 - USD  Info
17A* B27 30C - - - - USD  Info
17B* B28 30C - - - - USD  Info
18 B29 40C - 136 136 - USD  Info
18A* B30 40C - - - - USD  Info
18B* B31 40C - 872 545 - USD  Info
19 B32 50C - 65.42 65.42 - USD  Info
19A* B33 50C - - - - USD  Info
20 B34 1$ - 109 109 - USD  Info
20A* B35 1$ - - - - USD  Info
21 B36 2$ - 190 218 - USD  Info
21A* B37 2$ - - - - USD  Info
22 B38 5$ - 218 272 - USD  Info
22A* B39 5$ - - - - USD  Info
6‑22 - 3678 3825 - USD 
[King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted "DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA", type C] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted "DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA", type C1] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted "DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA", type C2] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted "DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA", type C3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
23 C 2C - 1.64 0.82 - USD  Info
24 C1 3C - 65.42 87.23 - USD  Info
25 C2 8C - 5.45 2.73 - USD  Info
26 C3 15C - 16.36 10.90 - USD  Info
23‑26 - 88.87 101 - USD 
[King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted in Japanese, type D] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted in Japanese, type D1] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted in Japanese, type D2] [King George VI - Straits Settlements Postage Stamps Overprinted in Japanese, type D3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
27 D 8C - 1.64 0.82 - USD  Info
27A* D1 8C - 2.73 4.36 - USD  Info
28 D2 12C - 1.64 13.08 - USD  Info
29 D3 40C - 2.73 6.54 - USD  Info
27‑29 - 6.01 20.44 - USD 


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